Friday, February 03, 2006

my better half

I have been tagged by Nithy and I am expected to write how a perfect partner of life should be according to me.

7. External beauty shall never be a criteria. Afterall beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. The inner beauty lies in the following seven parameters.

6. She should have a great healthy hobby which helps keep the mind active; soothes the soul when disturbed. I would enjoy if she loves to travel, sing, play instrument, dance or paint.

5. She should know cooking so that I get an opportunity to learn :-) If she has a flair towards trying out different cuisines and dining out, that could make it up ;-)

4. She should be lively, humurous, witty and interesting, maybe because I am less than 50% in all these aspects ;-)

3. Caring is an very important attribute of a life partner and at times you may be dying for it!!!

2. Everything is attitude and attitude is everything. Be optimistic in life. Look ahead.

1. She should live with right amount of self esteem. Shall neither be with inferior complexity nor with superior. Both are dangerous.

0. The most important, ego should also be rightly balanced. Too much of ego will spoil oneself and too low ego would drive one to low self esteem and surrendering to everything and everyone.

As per the tagging rules, I am supposed to tag someone else to contnue this. But, I dont have any regular reader of my blog except for the one to whom I became the victim. So, the first few readers could take up the tag and follow the game. The rules of the game are available in Smyta's blog... So, take up and continue.


At 03 February, 2006 22:04, Blogger nithyananda said...

pottu thaaku!!!
welcome to the world of blogging!! AS u start travelling arnd and posting comments at other ppl's blog, ppl shall come :D

And also fix the archiving thing. Let ppl see atleast a week of ur blogs. So archive weekly or monthly!

At 05 February, 2006 20:56, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Instead of this, straight away you could have told your parents that you are on the look out for this girl ....
Sending the blogspot address to the parents to let them know your expectations is a lil' tooooooooo....
Anyway, great expectations, great "eight" points..... looks like the mission, vision statement of the organisation....
Leave that aside, I wish that you will get a perfect partner, the way you are expecting :-)

At 11 February, 2006 06:34, Blogger ESIH said...

attitude, ego and self esteem basically sums up everything in anybody..:)

At 13 September, 2006 20:23, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish u gud luk to get 7 girls (1 for each quality) as soon as possible.
Ur zhreebadhi;-)..


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